Executive Board
Operating as a non-profit, the Hockey Mutineers of Marquette Executive Board approves all actions by the organization. For information on the Executive Board, please email mqtmutineers@gmail.com.
Executive Board Members
Gary Enright, Chair |
Incorporator |
No Term Limit |
Joey Enright |
Incorporator |
No Term Limit |
Craig Hartz |
Incorporator |
No Term Limit |
Abby Letts |
Community Representative |
June 6, 2019 |
Chris Freeborn |
Player Representative |
January 1, 2018 |
Incorporators' terms do not expire per rules of incorporation. They may step down if they wish and they may be removed if they are unwilling or unable to perform their duties.
The Community Representative is a three-year term. Applicants are accepted and approved by the Executive Board with the General Manager serving as the tiebreaking vote if necessary.
The Player Representative is determined by the finalized roster of players submitted to USA Hockey. The players handle the vote and the voting procedures independently of the Executive Board. There are no term limits for the Player Representative.